Diagnosing Mental Health
Diagnosing mental health – Commonly referred to as an individual’s emotional or psychological well-being, mental health is a term that
A form of psychotherapy
Diagnosing mental health – Commonly referred to as an individual’s emotional or psychological well-being, mental health is a term that
Your body can benefit from many different types of movement, so there’s no law saying you have to stick with the same old exercise program year after … Continue readingAlternative Workouts During and After Trauma
Cognitive therapy is an integrated psychotherapeutic intervention aimed at improving mental health. CBT aims at modifying behavioral, cognitive, and emotional processes, addressing underlying emotional issues, and modifying problematic thinking patterns. CBT differs from other psychotherapy interventions in that it addresses the underlying causes of behavior patterns rather than focusing on symptoms and how to cope with them. … Continue readingCognitive Therapy
PTSD Symptoms – Rewire Your Brain to Fight PTSD Symptoms and Trauma PTSD symptoms and trauma according to the VA
Continue readingHow to Rewire Your Brain to Fight PTSD and Trauma
With the goal of helpingĀ readers to navigate the growing literature on CAM, below we briefly review the current evidence for
Continue readingAdditional and Supplemental Treatments for PTSD
Adrenal Fatigue – You could be wondering what has gotten you feeling that way if you feel you have started
Continue readingStrategies to Assist you in Coping with Adrenal Fatigue
Meditation for Sleep … Continue readingMeditation for Sleep
African Iboga plant magic. Ibogaine is derived from the Iboga plant which is native to Africa. The residents used the plant simply because of its healing qualities and also for spiritual rituals. … Continue readingIbogaine: The Road To Recovery
It’s hard enough to hold down a job in this economy when every business out there is looking to cut employees to hoard profits. If you feel overwhelmed while at work or even on your own time, it will be most beneficial that you take on the situation as soon as possible. The tips featured below will help you to eradicate any stress in your life. … Continue readingRisk Factors Associated With A High Stress Lifestyle
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